Erik Jones

Erik Jones, in qualità di accademico, ha lavorato presso il Centre for European Policy Studies, la Central European University, la University of Nottingham e, più recentemente, presso il John Hopkins Center di Bologna. Collabora con “Survival”, rivista ufficiale dell’IISS (The International Institute for Strategic Studies), e fa parte del comitato consultivo internazionale di “Acta Politica”. E’ inoltre membro dei comitati editoriali del “Journal of European Public Policy”, di “Government and Opposition” e del “Journal of European Integration”.
Erik Jones has worked as an academic at the Centre for European Policy Studies, the Central European University, the University of Nottingham and, most recently, the John Hopkins Bologna Center. He is also a contributing editor to the “IISS” journal Survival and is part of the international advisory board for “Acta Politica” and the editorial boards for the “Journal of European Public Policy”, “Government and Opposition”, as well as the “Journal of European Integration”.
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