Martin Winter

Martin Winter
Martin Winter, nato ad Aachen nel 1948, è bureau chief dell’Ufficio della Süddeutsche Zeitung a Bruselles. Si occupa di affari comunitari ed atlantici. E‘ stato bureau chief del Frankfurter Rundschau a Bonn, Washington D.C. e a Brussels. Prima di diventare giornalista è stato consigliere politico in Germania, tra i vari ruoli ricoperti è stato membro della planning unit del Cancelliere Helmut Schmidt, dell’ufficio privato di Johannes Rau e Primo Ministro del Länder North-Rhine-Westfalia. Martin Winter ha studiato a Monaco di Baviera, Freiburg i.Br. and Aachen. Detiene inoltre un Master in Scienze Politiche.
Martin Winter, born 1948 in Aachen, is bureau chief of Süddeutsche Zeitung in Brussels. He covers EU and Nato affairs. Prior to this, he was bureau chief of Frankfurter Rundschau in Bonn, Washington D.C. and Brussels. Before joining the ranks of journalism, at the age of 35, he worked for ten years as a political consultant in Germany, among other posts as a member of the planning unit of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and as a member of the private office of Johannes Rau, then Prime Minister of North-Rhine-Westfalia. Martin Winter studied in Munich, Freiburg i.Br. and Aachen. He holds a Master degree in political science.
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