The Dante Network in Europe: Opportunities and prospects for Youth

Società Dante Alighieri – Firenze
Youth on the Move
Time and date: 
07 May 18:00 - 18:45

1. Presentation of the activities of the “Dante” for young people in Europe:
The Babelweb project
This project is based on the use of the 2.0 web tools to learn foreign languages and it promotes the inter-understanding among the Romance languages.
The PLIDA Juniores certificate
PLIDA Juniores is specifically addressed to young people (aged between 13 and 18). It results from the remark that the certificates for adults require a young student to have a skill linked to contexts that are far from his personal experience (world of work, formal relations within the institutional ambit or in public offices).

2. Launch of the “Adotta una parola” project
In concordance with four of the most important usage dictionaries of contemporary Italian, the Società Dante Alighieri launches on its website a campaign aimed at a correct and conscious word usage, at favouring wider knowledge of the vocabulary, monitoring the employment of some words and, more generally, promoting the variety of expressions in the world of global communication.

3. Language doubts
A linguistic game to test one’s own knowledge of the Italian language. Both Italians and foreigners can participate. The one giving the higher number of correct answers can win a two-week prize course on Italian language at the Comitato Dante Alighieri of Florence (if the winner is a foreigner) or a one-week unrewarded stage at a Comitato Dante Alighieri in Europe.

Location:Padiglione Youth on the Move - Piazza della Signoria, Firenze

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