Pietro Annigoni. An art for man

Anita Valentini, Rossella Segreto Annigoni
Associazione via Maggio, Associazione Amici di Pietro Annigoni per la solidarietà fra i popoli onlus
Time and date: 
06 May 17:00

“Pietro Annigoni. Un’arte per l’uomo” (Pietro Annigoni. An art for man) is the title of the conference planned for Friday 6th May at 5 p.m. at the St. Mark English Church in Via Maggio 18, promoted by the Associazione Amici di Pietro Annigoni and the Associazione Via Maggio, aimed at recollecting, within the ambit of the Festival d’Europa, the life and works of the world-famous artist. The exhibition and the related catalogue were edited by Anita Valentini, historian and art critic, historic-artistic consultant at Palazzo Vecchio and teacher of art history at the UIA and at the Liceo Classico, on the occasion of the centenary of the painter’s birth.

Location:St. Mark’s English Church - Via Maggio 18

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