WE GO/ Vincenzo Carta Gnosis #1

in collaborazione con lo scienziato/musicista/compositore Ongakuaw (Andrew Ferrara)
Fabbrica Europa
Time and date: 
06 May 21:00
07 May 20:00

At FABBRICA EUROPA, the national premiere of Gnosis #1 by WE GO vzw/VINCENZO CARTA in cooperation with Ongakuaw, included within the events of the Festival d’Europa.
An electrode system positioned on the head of four dancers monitors their brainwaves in real time. The collected information is sent to hardware interfaces able to decode many aspects of cerebration. A digital sound is associated with each of the dancers who modify the parameters through their emotions. If on the one hand the feedback provided by the equipment allows the analysis of the emotional states, on the other hand, by carrying out a conscious task on their sensations, the dancers exercise full control over all the aspects of their performance, thus determining the choreographic composition and music solely with the power of thought.

Allegato per la redazione del Fde: 
Location:Stazione Leopolda - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5

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