VERDENSTEATRET. And all the questionmarks started to sing

Fabbrica Europa
Time and date: 
06 May 19:00
07 May 19:00
08 May 19:00

FABBRICA EUROPA presents the national premiere of And all the questionmarks started to sing by the Norwegian VERDENSTEATRET, included within the events of the Festival d’Europa.
A sound/visual performance and a multimedia installation. Verdensteatret developed new audiovisual tools, kinetic machines and sculptures with a double task: they are controlled by the computer or activated by musicians and performers playing live.
The installation is an overview of very strange kinetic sculptures activated by many animation techniques that create a continuously changing environment. All the involved objects make art through the alternation of simultaneous micro- and macro-views and multiple functions, through multimedia tools and visual stratifications.

Allegato per la redazione del Fde: 
Location:Stazione Leopolda - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5

Contenuto alternativo

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