Towards 2014: the Europe we want

Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo - CIME
Time and date: 
09 May 09:30 - 17:30

Verso il 2014: l'Europa che vogliamo (Towards 2014: the Italy we want) The Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo CIME (Italian Council of the European Movement) within the ambit of the Festival d’Europa, organizes on 9th May from 9.30 a.m., at the Salone dei Dugento in Palazzo Vecchio, a day dedicated to meetings and debates. The main topics will be the future of the Union promoted by youth organizations, the priorities of the seventh and eighth parliament (collective rights, common properties, participative budgeting, European citizenship, international cooperation in the Union and international democracy in the United Nations) with speeches delivered by delegates of the civil society, of European institutions and officers of the social media. The target is the creation of a wide partnership of the civil society for the progress of the European unity.

For further information:

Location:Palazzo Vecchio - Sala de' Dugento, Piazza Signoria 1

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