Sustainability of the Health Service. When the system supports the project

Luciano Bozzo, Professore Associato di Studi Strategici, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università di Firenze. Olga Mugnaini, Giornalista de La Nazione
Standard Ethics Aei EIEG
Time and date: 
06 May 16:00 - 17:00

A social and economic high-profile space and topic that will involve both the managers of the ASL/AO and of the national health system, and the operators of the facility management, of construction, of ICT technologies, of private bodies, of pharmaceutical companies and of the other operators supporting the sustainability, also in the “economic” field, of the heath service or providing products and services impacting on the health of citizens and their lifestyle. Main discussant: Sabina Nuti, MES Director (Health and Management Laboratory) of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa. Among the speakers: Luigi Marroni, General Director of Azienda Sanitaria of Florence and other managers of companies and organizations working in the field.

Location:Auditorium Novoli - via delle Pandette, 32

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