Shape and color in european painting

Luisa Nannini Del Campana, Giuliana Serrapede
Salone Dell’arte E Del Restauro Di Firenze in collaborazione con l’Associazione Via Maggio
Time and date: 
06 May 17:30 - 19:00

Organized by the Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro in cooperation with the Associazione Via Maggio, the event will be aimed at discovering the language of colour and shape in the European painting, through the reading of remarkable both antique and contemporary European works of art by the experts Luisa Nannini Del Campana and Giuliana Serrapede. With the support of images and films the two experts will allow the audience to get acquainted with the expressive language and its techniques and they will make references to the artistic traditions and the scientific discoveries concerning visual perception.

Location:Palazzo Ridolfi, Via Maggio 13

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