The Role of Italy in European Integration

Gianni De Michelis – Antonio Varsori – Federico Romero – Piero Craveri – Ruggero Ranieri- Stefano Folli – Rocco Cangelosi – Pietro Calamia – Jean Marie Palayret – Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia Istituto Universitario Europeo
Time and date: 
07 May 09:30 - 13:00

The meeting aims at analysing the impact of Italian foreign policy on the European integration process, an aspect often neglected at academic level and involving international public opinion. Italy, defeated in the Second World War, has always devoted energies and resources to the European building, also performing a driving role in the various phases of the history of the European Community/Union. The meeting aims at developing from a historical point of view these aspects and to this purpose, political exponents, historians of great distinction and officers whose work contributed to advance the European building have been summoned. The attendance at the Meeting is remarkable: from Gianni de Michelis, former Foreign Minister, to historians such as Antonio Varsori and Federico Romero, from diplomats such as Antonio Calamia and Rocco Cangelosi, to international officers such as Pier Virgilio Dastoli and journalists such as Stefano Folli. The meeting will be opened by Cosimo Ceccuti, Chairman of the Fondazione Spadolini, and Marco del Panta, Secretary-General of the EUI.

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Allegato per la redazione del Fde: 
Location:Palazzo Vecchio - Sala d'Arme - Piazza della Signoria 1, Firenze

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