Presentation of the book "Voci di anime"

Shady Hamadi, the author of the book
Associazione Culturale "Orsa Minore"
Time and date: 
06 May 18:00 - 20:00

Presentation of the book “Voci di Anime” by Shady Hamadi at the Casa della Creatività in Florence, in Vicolo S.Maria Maggio, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Published by Marietti, the book highlights the importance of the mediation among different cultures and religions.
A man recollects his past through the encounters with the people who changed his life: the Bedouin, the merchant, the host, the children’s mother, the prostitute, the condemned man. “Voci di Anime” is a tale halfway between Gibran’s poetry and Paulo Coelho’s narrative. Shady Hamadi is 22, Italian from Syrian father and lives in Milan. The presentation will be attended by some important representatives of the Florentine cultural world, as well as the author.

Location:Palazzo Giovane - Vicolo Santa Maria Maggiore, 1

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