From Pattern to Nature in Italian Renaissance Drawing The transition from pattern book drawings to life drawing (from Pisanello to Leonardo)

Michael W. Kwakkelstein and Lorenza Melli The Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence
Time and date: 
06 May 10:00 - 12:00

From Pattern to Nature in Italian Renaissance Drawing. The transition from pattern book drawings to life drawing (from Pisanello to Leonardo) is the title of the international conference organized by Michael W. Kwakkelstein of the Dutch University Institute for Art History of Florence and Lorenza Melli of the German Institute for Art History of Florence. The meeting, within the ambit of the Festival d’Europa, with the purpose of further analyzing the transition occurred in the Renaissance from drawing as a copy of figures taken from set models and books to life drawing. In particular, the works of Pisanello, Benozzo Gozzoli, Antonio del Pollaiuolo and Leonardo da Vinci will be examined. The debate will focus also on the impacts of this transition on contemporary art.

Location:Istituto Olandese - Viale Evangelista Torricelli, 5

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