Mainstream. A survey on the culture everybody likes

Frédéric Martel, french researcher and journalist
Ambasciata di Francia a Roma / Istituto francese di Firenze
Time and date: 
09 May 18:00

The meeting will take place at the bookstore Libreria Feltrinelli International in Florence on Monday 9th of May at 6 pm within the Festival d’Europa. The protagonist will be the French researcher and journalist Frèdèric Martel, who will talk about European culture in the age of globalization. How is it possible to build a best seller? Why do popcorn and coca cola have such a central role in the film industry? These are just some questions to which Martel will try to answer with his work-survey.

Allegato per la redazione del Fde: 
Location:Libreria Feltrinelli - Via de' Cerretani, 30

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