Lesser’s God Sons”, Youth Exchange Project of the Centro Turistico Studentesco e Giovanile G.A.B. Lupiae of Lecce – Youth in Action Experience
Vincenzo Lotto and Sandro Salvatore Accogli, two young people who participated in the “Lesser’s God Sons” exchange which involved four countries – Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Greece – and 23 young people, will participate in the meeting sharing their experiences. The exchange was aimed at promoting the intercultural dialogue and to develop the concepts of tolerance, xenophobia, homophobia and gender equality as obstacles affecting young people’s behaviours.
Starting from the situations of each involved country, the debate was enlarged at European level through the organization of 6 workshops from which a short film on the exchange topics was produced. The used methodology centred on non-formal education through cooperation games and ice-breaking activities, presentation of the organizations and sharing of the introductory work, multicultural activities, meetings and debates with local associations and assessment activities
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