From Florence 20 years of dialogue with Eastern Europe (1991-2011) The experience of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation ® and the birth of Life Beyond Tourism ® - Non-profit
The experience of the Fondazione Del Bianco and the origin of Life Beyond Tourism® - No profit Portal” fall within the programme of the Festival d’Europa. As a matter of fact, after the fall of the Berlin wall, the Fondazione immediately took some steps to raise awareness in young generations of the importance of the dialogue and intercultural integration and to develop an international network of cooperation between universities of the Central-Eastern Europe and of Florence. The outcomes of this activity, which over time set up the orientation and the web portal Life Beyond Tourism® Non-Profit Portal, in a short time will be the basis for discussing further advances in the integration of young generations in the European view. Also representatives of the various Florentine institutions that for a long time have been sharing this commitment with the Fondazione will participate in the debate.
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