Experiences of Participatory Democracy in Italy and in Tuscany

Introduction Umberto Allegretti (Comitato Scientifico Fondazione Balducci) Partecipants: Antonio Floridia (Dirigente dell'Ufficio Partecipazione Regione Toscana) Silvia Givone (Responsabile di Sociolab, Firenze) Rodolfo Lewanski (Autorità della Partecipazione Regione Toscana) Massimo Morisi (Garante della Comunicazione Regione Toscana)
Fondazione Ernesto Balducci
Time and date: 
07 May 15:00 - 19:00

A round table to analyse the most significant European and global experiences of participatory democracy. The debate will be attended also by jurists, politicians and scholars and will focus on what many consider a higher and more evolved form of “participation” and the debate will analyse international experiments and experiences and focus on one of the channels that may be used to revitalise European democracy. The initiative has been organised by the Balducci Foundation that aims at continuing its activity of promoting opportunities for debate and research on the issue of Europe.

Location:Scuole Pie Fiorentine - Sala Verde - Via Cavour 94

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