Digressions on 319 chords

Stefano Bollani: piano Mirko Guerrini: direzione d'orchestra, arrangiamenti Orchestra Regionale della Toscana Musiche di Stefano Bollani, Mirko Guerrini
Fabbrica Europa with Music Pool/sounds network
Time and date: 
10 May 21:30

FABBRICA EUROPA presents the premiere of Divagazioni su 319 corde with STEFANO BOLLANI and the ORCHESTRA DELLA TOSCANA conducted by MIRKO GUERRINI, a concert included within the events of the Festival d’Europa.
Stefano Bollani accompanying a string orchestra opens infinite possibilities to the notes of the stave. This is the reason why the pieces making up the concert accompany the public through a journey that goes from classical sonorities, passing through the modern twentieth-century European atmospheres, to touch those of the American avant-gardes of the last decades. All these are drives and starting points from which Bollani can launch himself with his extraordinary improvisations that the Orchestra Regionale della Toscana conducted by Mirko Guerrini enriches with pathos and elegance.

Location:Stazione Leopolda - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5

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