Coro "Manos Blancas" del Friuli Venezia Giulia - San Vito al Tagliamento - PN diretto da M^ Paola Garofalo e M^ Paola Casonato

Scuola di musica Il Trillo
Time and date: 
07 May 18:00 - 18:50

Under the Loggia dei Lanzi in Piazza della Signoria, the Music School “Il Trillo” organizes a concert of the Coro delle Mani Bianche made up of deaf-and-dumb children that “mark” music by moving their hands covered with coloured gloves. A children choir made up of both disabled and non-disabled children will accompany them by singing. The Coro delle Mani Bianche belongs to the musical system created by Abreu in Caracas and strongly supported by Claudio Abbado.
The event is included in the programme of the Festival d’Europa and will be followed by a wine tasting presented by an oenologist.

Location:Loggia dei Lanzi - P.zza della Signoria

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