Compagnia di Pontedera. Abito

directed by Roberto Bacci and Anna Stigsgaard
Fabbrica Europa
Time and date: 
10 May 19:00

FABBRICA EUROPA presents Abito by the COMPAGNIA LABORATORIO DI PONTEDERA, included within the events of the Festival d’Europa.
“This morning, another person put on my dress, left home and took my place in the world. I went out through my sole window, a window facing the beginning of stars. So, for a while, I was another person. I got lost in the streets of the town while my home and my life were inhabited by another person unknown to me. Hour after hour, day after day, among the crowd, the awareness of having always lived disguised as another person, of having suffered and been happy like a person I do not know, disclosed to my conscience. It was only a moment and I saw myself”.
Taking inspiration from “The Book of Disquiet” by Fernando Pessoa, it is the history of an Everyman who, instead of wearing his order life, goes out through his home’s window and gets lost in the streets of the everyday life that he does not recognize and which does not recognize him.

Location:Stazione Leopolda - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5

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