Citizen Forum - The role of volunteering in the context of the European social model

Parlamento Europeo
Time and date: 
06 May 17:00

On this occasion, the European Delegates of the Central Italy district (Paolo Bartolozzi, Carlo Casini, Francesco De Angelis, Leonardo Domenici*, Niccolò Rinaldi, David Sassoli*, Marco Scurria and Gianluca Susta*) and the citizens will debate the subject “Ruolo del volontariato nel contesto del modello sociale europeo" (The role of volunteering in the context of the European social model).
The meeting falls within the ambit of the events dedicated to the European Year of Volunteering 2011. This initiative, which is organized by the European Parliament and the European Council, is aimed at promoting and strengthening active citizenship, social cohesion and democracy development, thus realizing the European values of solidarity, of non-discrimination and of harmonious development of the EU societies.


Created during the period of reflection started before the formulation and the signature of the Treaty of Lisbon, the Forum dei Cittadini represent an occasion where European delegates and citizens can talk about the future of Europe and of European integration. It is a form of open debate directly organized by the national Information Offices of the European Parliament, dealing with subjects of local interest with the involvement of national, regional and local structures.

Location:Palazzo Vecchio - Sala d'Arme - Piazza della Signoria 1, Firenze

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