Adrienne Héritier
Credits by Tognarini
Adrienne Héritier detiene una cattedra presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dello Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies dell'Istituto Universitario Europeo dal 2003. E’ stata direttrice del Max Planck Project Group per ‘Common Goods: Law, Politics, and Economics’ a Bonn dal 1999 al 2009. Ha detenuto dal 1995 al 1999 una cattedra in politiche pubbliche all’EUI. E’ membro del Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities e di Academia Europea. Nel 1994, é stata premiata con il Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize for research, dal Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. La ricerca della Professoressa Héritier si focalizza sul policy-making europeo, le politiche pubbliche comparate, il processo decisionale europeo, le teorie di cambiamento istituzionale, la deregolamentazione e regolazione e i nuovi modi di governance. Presiede correntemente lo European Association for European Union Studies (EUSA).
Adrienne Héritier has held a joint chair with the Social and Political Sciences Department since 2003. She was a Director of the Max Planck Project Group for ‘Common Goods: Law, Politics, and Economics’ in Bonn from 1999 to 2003.
Before that, from 1995 to 1999, she held a chair in public policy at the EUI. She is a member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a member of the Academia Europea. In 1994, she was awarded (jointly with Helmut Willke) the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize for research, by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Prof. Héritier's research focuses on European policy-making, comparative public policy, European decision making processes, theories of institutional change and deregulation and re-regulation and new modes of governance. She is at present chair of the European Association for European Union Studies (EUSA).
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