Europe of mobility for study and work

Con la partecipazione di: 
Annamaria Villa
Dipartimento Politiche Europee – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Ora e data: 
07 Mag 10:00

The initiative is promoted by the Department for European Policies in cooperation with the Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Locale (SSPAL) and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). The debate will focus on the website dealing with the direct funds of the European Union, whose purpose is to favour the diffusion of information, in a simple and intuitive way, on the various possibilities of obtaining a direct financing from European institutions, according to the sector in which they work. The website intends to feature the opportunities offered by the Union in the field of directly managed funds (directly provided by the European Commission to the final recipients), identify the potential users (farmers, SMEs, youth, public bodies, researchers, society) and organize the various typologies of financing according to the final users.

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Percorso:Padiglione Europa - P.zza Signoria

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