The Jean Monnet challenge
The Jean Monnet challenge. Europe and innovation in didactics. It is the meeting organized by the University of Florence on 7th May 2011 at 2.30 p.m. in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate, Piazza S. Marco. The meeting addresses both academic and non-academic audience interested in learning and training paths concerning European topics. Its purpose is to disseminate knowledge of the Jean Monnet Programme promoted by the EU and the activities carried out by the Jean Monnet Chairs of the University of Florence. The meeting will start with the welcome speech from the Rector and from Professor Michele Papa, vice-rector and delegate of the Rector for international Relations. The first speech will be delivered by Dottor Di Fonzo (to be confirmed), who will summarize the Jean Monnet Action, its development and the new programmes for the future. Professor Antonio Varsori will speak as the first teacher obtaining the Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Florence and as a promoter of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Then the Jean Monnet Teachers will follow by delivering speeches aimed at enhancing both the contents and the innovative methodologies of the Jean Monnet Chairs. To better illustrate this last aspect, two teachers will be accompanied by two students who followed didactical experimentation paths (Massimiliano Guderzo, Laura Leonardi, Valeria Fargion with a student, Annick Magnier, Adelina Adinolfi with a student, Silvana Sciarra).
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