Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the first edition of the FdE

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Friday May 6 officially opened the first edition of the Festival d'Europa. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at 3 p.m. at the Arengario of Palazzo Vecchio, in Piazza della Signoria (Florence), in the presence of the Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi. Carlo Casini, President of the EP Constitutional Affairs Commission, Josep Borrell, President of the European University Institute (EUI), Stella Targetti, Vice-president of Regione Toscana, Michele Papa, Vice-rector of the University of Florence, Aureliano Benedetti, President of Banca CR Firenze, Michele Gremigni, President of the Foundation Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Alfonso De Virgiliis, President of the Foundation Premio Galileo 2000 will be present at the ceremony.

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