Androulla Vassiliou

Androulla Vassiliou ha preso parte, per diversi anni, al lavoro dell’Associazione delle Nazioni Unite di Cipro, di cui e’ stata Presidente per quattro mandati consecutivi. Nel 1996 fu eletta Presidente della Federazione Cipriota delle Imprenditrici e delle Professioniste, ricoprendo poi tale carica per due mandati. Il 10 Febbraio 2010 e’ stata nominata Commissaria designata per l’Educazione, la Cultura, il Multilinguismo, la Gioventu’ e lo Sport.
Androulla Vassiliou was for many years involved in the work of the United Nations Association of Cyprus and was elected as its President for four consecutive terms. In 1996 she was elected President of the Cyprus Federation of Business and Professional Women and remained in charge for two terms. On 27 November 2009, she was nominated as EU Commissioner-designate for health. On 10 February 2010 she was nominated as EU Commissioner designate for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth and Sport.
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