Wu Jianmin

Jianmin Wu
Jianmin Wu è Presidente del Centre of International Studies di Shangai e Professore presso la China Foreign Affairs University. E’ inoltre Vice Presidente dell’Institute of Strategy and Management di Pechino e Membro del Comitato Consultivo per la Politica Estera presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri cinese. In precedenza è stato Ambasciatore nei Paesi Bassi, in Francia e presso l’Ufficio di Ginevra delle Nazioni Unite.
Jianmin Wu is Professor at China Foreign Affairs University and Chairman of the Shanghai Centre of International Studies. He also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Institute of Strategy and Management, Beijing, and is a Member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Foreign Ministry. He has served as China’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, to the United Nations Office in Geneva, and to France.
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