The Services Directive

Lidia Germani (Dipartimento Politiche Europee) e Luigi Malferrari (Commissione europea)
Dipartimento Politiche Europee – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Time and date: 
08 May 16:00

The Services Directive aims at favouring the freedom of establishment for service providers in other member States and the freedom of supply of services among the member States. In agreement with Formez, the Department of European Policies realized the website within the ambit of the project named “Attività a sostegno dell’iniziativa formativa-informativa promossa dal Dipartimento per il coordinamento delle politiche comunitarie, Ufficio Cittadinanza Europea, sull’attuazione della Direttiva sui Servizi nel Mercato Interno (2006/123/CE)” (Activities to support the education-information initiative promoted by the Department for the coordination of the Community Policies, European Citizenship Office, on the implementation of the Directive on Services in the Internal Market (2006/123/EC). The portal will be the topic discussed on 8th May 2011 at 4 p.m. at the Padiglione Europa in Piazza della Signoria. The tool is addressed to the operators of the both public and private sectors and, specifically, to the employees of public administration, in particular at local level who, upon accreditation, will be allowed enrolling free in an online course to correctly know and apply the Directive. The subjects falling within the ambit of application of the Directive (businesses, professionals, advisers, consumers, trade associations, etc.) by accessing the portal will be able to seize all the opportunities the Directive offers both in the national and in the European market. Thanks to the many online sections and the continuously updated news, all users will be allowed having at their disposal an effective reference tool to access interesting information and documents, identifying the events concerning the Services Directive, accessing the institutional websites and the help desks of the appropriate institutions for each subject.
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Location:Padiglione Europa - P.zza Signoria

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