The problems of cooperation in the field of security and defense in the European Union

intervengono: Prof. Luciano Bozzo Cesare Alfieri Firenze Gen.Vincenzo Camporini , già Capo di Stato maggiore della Difesa Amb. Rocco Cangelosi, Consigliere di stato Dott. Roberto Castaldi, Direttore CESUE Amb. Luca Giansanti, Rappresentante dell’Italia presso il Cops e l’Ueo. Prof.Stefano Silvestri Presidente IAI Presiede: On. Valdo Spini, Presidente della Fondazione Circolo Rosselli
Fondazione Circolo Rosselli – Firenze, e Centro studi, documentazione, formazione sull’Unione Europea (CESUE)
Time and date: 
06 May 10:00 - 13:00

The Fondazione Circolo Rosselli and the CESUE, on the occasion of the Festival d’Europa, organize on Friday 6th May at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a meeting aimed at analyzing the topic of security and defence in the future of the European Union. The round table will centre on the elaboration of the importance of EU in international crises – with special focus on the Libyan situation – and the comparison on the challenges of the continent and the advantages that would bring a foreign and defence policy common, besides the economic benefits of rationalization and cost reduction, also to the creation of a European political identity.


Location:Palazzo Vecchio - Sala d'Arme - Piazza della Signoria 1, Firenze

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