The future of Handcraft. A case study: the sustainable textile

Giampiero Maracchi, OmA – Presidente Osservatorio dei Mestieri d'Arte della Toscana On. Dott. Gianni Pittella, Vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo Luciano Carrino, Executive Representative Inter Agency Scientific Committee for Human Development Cooperation (UNOPS) Marie Thérèse Chaupin, Coordination et Relation Européennes ATELIER-Laines d’Europe Catherine Virassamy, Institut National Métiers d’Art (INMA) de France On. Antonio Tajani - Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario responsabile di Industria ed imprenditoria On. Gianluca Susta, Membro Parlamento EU - Commissione per il Commercio Internazionale Patrizia Maggia, Camera di Commercio di Biella Enrico Ciabatti, Segr. Generale Unioncamere Toscana Alessio Bitozzi, Responsabile del Consorzio per la Valorizzazione e la Tutela dei Prodotti Cardati Simone Sorbi, Osservatorio per il Tessile Sostenibile e le Fibre Naturali
Associazione Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte della Toscana (OmA)
Time and date: 
07 May 09:00 - 13:00

World-class panellists are expected to come from many research centres and universities, as well as trade associations, the companies involved in the supply chain, the public administrations and the European Parliament. The focus of the discussion will be the possible solutions to foster the recovery of the textile industry in Europe. The speakers include MP Gianni Pittella, Vice-president of the European Parliament, Luciano Carrino, Executive Representative Inter Agency Scientific Committee for Human Development Cooperation (UNOPS), Marie Thérèse Chaupin, Coordination et Relation Européennes ATELIER- Laines d’Europe and Catherine Virassamy, Institut National Métiers d’Art (INMA) de France.

Allegato per la redazione del Fde: 
Location:Palazzo Incontri - Sala Verde via de' Pucci 1

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