Communicating, informing and being informed on EU: from law to practice
The meeting is organized by the Italian network of the European Documentation Centres. Its objective is to inform citizens of their rights on being informed on Europe. To ensure a real right to information is the unavoidable condition for the development of an active European citizenship, for a culture based on dialogue between the institutions of the European Union and the society. But what does “right to information” mean today in practice? How can the resources available in the network be exploited and enhanced in order that citizens, particularly young people, can be more easily informed and educated on the European Union and its policies? This event will try to give an answer to these questions. Information produced by EU institutions and bodies is very wide and it is not always easy to move among the several electronic sources to get the required information. It is therefore essential to facilitate the access of users to relevant and quality information documents, through lean and flexible tools. Evangelia Koundouraki (EDC European University Institute), Benedetta Calonaci (EDC University of Florence), Adelaide Ranchino (EDC of the NRC), Laura Viora (EDC High School, Public Administration).
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