Sculpture Today and "Suspense. Suspended sculptures"

Con la partecipazione di: 
Andrea Bruciati (direttore Galleria Civica di Monfalcone) Fabio Cavallucci (direttore Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Castello Ujazdowski, Varsavia) Judith Collins (autrice di "Sculpture Today", Phaidon, 2009, Londra) Kaspar Koening (Curatore Skulptur Projekte, Münster) Marco Meneguzzo (curatore Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano) Alessandra Pioselli (Curatore indipendente) Marc - Olivier Whaler (direttore Palais de Tokio, Parigi)
EX3 - Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea
Ora e data: 
07 Mag (Tutto il giorno)

The contemporary sculpture will be the protagonist at EX-3 Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea (Centre for Contemporary Art) on the occasion of the day of study fully dedicated to the most recent developments and the new borders of sculpture at European level, which will be held simultaneously with the closing of the “Suspense. Sculture sospese” exhibition (Suspense. Suspended sculptures). Moving from the premise that over the last few years the creation of faint, precarious or ephemeral works has experienced exponential growth, the meeting aims at expanding on the outcomes and the considerations concerning the sculptural work, especially in Italy and Europe. Judith Collins, the author of "Sculpture Today", Phaidon, London 2009, has been invited to give a Lectio Magistralis on sculpture in contemporary European art. It will be followed by a series of speeches by Italian and international artists and critics moderated by the directors of “Suspense”, Arabella Natalini and Lorenzo Giusti.

Percorso:EX3 - Viale Giannotti 81,83,85

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